Saturday, October 01, 2011

Fluorspar Day

It's always interesting to "go home."  And a lot of old memories were brought to mind for David, as the Echoes appeared at the Memorial Band Pavilion to sing the Gospel at Fluorspar Day, in Rosiclare, Illinois. 

David was a 1967 graduate of Rosiclare High School and spent quite a lot of time around the Main Street area over the years.  But today, the old Capitol Theater is replaced by the Band Pavilion, some of the buildings are no longer there, and the mining industry is a shadow of its former self.  Yet the people still gather each year to celebrate Community. 

The Echoes participated by singing the never-changing message of the Gospel in song, while down the street a little ways, the young children played on inflatables, and at the levee, Hardin County's various volunteer fire departments conducted water battles.

No doubt, a good time was had by all, and traditions still continue.  Nothing really changes all that much -- and God's Love and the message that His Son, Jesus, brings will always be the same.

The Echoes are blessed to be able to mark having sung that never-changing message for 41 years this year -- almost as long as Fluorspar Day has celebrated the Community of Rosiclare.

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