Sunday, October 23, 2011

Buena Vista Community Church

The Echoes enjoyed an afternoon of worship with our friends at Buena Vista Community Church, in Harrisburg, IL. 

David's sister, Linda, is a member at Buena Vista, and since October is Pastor Appreciation Month, she had asked if we could prepare a music video honoring their Pastor, G.E. Coultas.  So, David created a video accompaniment, and we sang the Rodney Griffin song, "Faces," while photos depicting the years of Pastor Coultas' service to God illustrated the words of the song.

If you're not familiar with "Faces," it speaks about the lives that each of us influence throughout our lives, even though we do not in most cases realize it.  One day, when we get to heaven, those faces will be revealed to us.  Another way to put it, the song is a condensed version of the perennial Christmas favorite movie, "It's A Wonderful Life," starring Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey.

Pastor Coultas was surprised, and there were few dry eyes in the congregation at the conclusion of the song.  As the final frame in the video stated over a photo of Pastor Coultas preaching from the pulpit, "Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant."

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