Sunday, October 23, 2011

Buena Vista Community Church

The Echoes enjoyed an afternoon of worship with our friends at Buena Vista Community Church, in Harrisburg, IL. 

David's sister, Linda, is a member at Buena Vista, and since October is Pastor Appreciation Month, she had asked if we could prepare a music video honoring their Pastor, G.E. Coultas.  So, David created a video accompaniment, and we sang the Rodney Griffin song, "Faces," while photos depicting the years of Pastor Coultas' service to God illustrated the words of the song.

If you're not familiar with "Faces," it speaks about the lives that each of us influence throughout our lives, even though we do not in most cases realize it.  One day, when we get to heaven, those faces will be revealed to us.  Another way to put it, the song is a condensed version of the perennial Christmas favorite movie, "It's A Wonderful Life," starring Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey.

Pastor Coultas was surprised, and there were few dry eyes in the congregation at the conclusion of the song.  As the final frame in the video stated over a photo of Pastor Coultas preaching from the pulpit, "Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant."

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Seven Mile Baptist Church Homecoming

The Echoes finished up our busy weekend with a return to Seven Mile Baptist Church to help them celebrate their homecoming service.  Seven Mile's homecoming began with the Echoes presenting the Gospel in Song in a 45-minute series of songs.  Then a guest minister brought a challenging sermon about the need to spread that Gospel throughout the world.

It was great to see Mylon Hulsey and his family at the service.  Mylon sang with the Echoes in the late 90's and the early 2000's.  So it was sorta like an Echoes homecoming also.

After the message, we all did what you do at homecomings -- ate a delicious meal.

It was a good way to end a great weekend of singing about Jesus.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Aurora Fall Festival Gospel Sing

Continuing a busy weekend, the Echoes traveled to Aurora, Kentucky, to participate in the Aurora Fall Festival.  Aurora Baptist Church, located right on the busy parade route and in the  middle of a lot a crafts, flea markets and other attractions, has sponsored a food tent and gospel singing for many years.  And the Echoes have been a part of the singing for those many years, also.

Various WKGMA member groups participated, beginning in mid-morning, before the parade, and then starting up once again right after the parade passed.  The Echoes were part of the afternoon contingent,

God blessed us with a beautiful Fall day.  We trust that He also blessed those who heard the message in song.

Friday, October 07, 2011

WBCE Benefit Singing

One of the blessings we receive is the opportunity to help raise money for worthy causes.  We've done this for all of the 41 years of the Echoes' existence.  The latest occasion was a benefit for WBCE Radio, in Wickliffe, Kentucky.  WBCE is a non-profit Christian station that helps spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Western Kentucky, Southern, Illinois, Western Tennessee and Southwestern Missouri.

The Echoes joined about 40 other various singing groups, ranging from soloists to quartets for a 5-hours extravaganza of Gospel Music.  And as the old saying goes, "a good time was had by all."

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Fluorspar Day

It's always interesting to "go home."  And a lot of old memories were brought to mind for David, as the Echoes appeared at the Memorial Band Pavilion to sing the Gospel at Fluorspar Day, in Rosiclare, Illinois. 

David was a 1967 graduate of Rosiclare High School and spent quite a lot of time around the Main Street area over the years.  But today, the old Capitol Theater is replaced by the Band Pavilion, some of the buildings are no longer there, and the mining industry is a shadow of its former self.  Yet the people still gather each year to celebrate Community. 

The Echoes participated by singing the never-changing message of the Gospel in song, while down the street a little ways, the young children played on inflatables, and at the levee, Hardin County's various volunteer fire departments conducted water battles.

No doubt, a good time was had by all, and traditions still continue.  Nothing really changes all that much -- and God's Love and the message that His Son, Jesus, brings will always be the same.

The Echoes are blessed to be able to mark having sung that never-changing message for 41 years this year -- almost as long as Fluorspar Day has celebrated the Community of Rosiclare.