Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Eve

The Echoes ended 2008 with new friends at Faithway Baptist Church, in Corydon, Kentucky. Pastor Dwight Cox and his wife, Janice, (who is a very close friend of David's wife, Mary Jane), were very good hosts for the evening.

The Echoes enjoyed ending the year in what has become a tradition for us. Only two or three times in our 37-year history have we not been singing for the Lord on New Year's Eve.

We're thankful to God for allowing us to sing to the people at Faithway and to Pastor Cox for a very inspiring message on being "FAT" Christians in 2009 (Faithful, Available, Teachable). The evening ended with a Candlelight service, which allowed each person to testify to God's goodness and how He has blessed each. As each person spoke, he/she lit a candle. By the conclusion of the service, the darkened church had once again become lighted by the members of the congregation's candles. We each can be a light to the world in 2009.

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