Saturday, January 10, 2015

Kim Hale Benefit Singing

Even with insurance, the costs of medical care for serious illness can be astronomical.  Folks at the First Apostolic Church in Rosiclare, IL hosted a benefit singing for Kim Hayden Hale, who is currently under treatment for cancer.
The Echoes were blessed to be able to participate in this event, along with "2nd Generation" and Danny Wayne Mahoney.
2nd Generation (Butch Gowins, Sandra Jerrells,
Donna, Cullum
Danny Mahoney
Danny started the evening off at his home church, with a couple of songs.  Then, it was time for 2nd Generation to sing a selection of songs, which uplifted those there.  2nd Generation is a trio composed of Lowell "Butch" Gowins, Donna Cullum and Sandra Jerrells.
Echoes - David, Sharon, Twila
Then, it was the Echoes' turn, and we picked up the tempo somewhat with a number of songs reminding those in attendance of the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ.
During the intermission, David (Echoes) on the piano, Donna (2nd Generation) on the keyboard, and Danny Mahoney on bass then played a special number while the offering was being taken -- a medley of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," and "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms."  The latter part of that medley had everyone clapping their hands and tapping their toes.

Then, it was time for the 2nd round, during which Butch Gowins, who also is Pastor at First Apostolic, announced that the offering collected came to well over $2000, with a couple additional checks having been received in the mail that day for $5,000 each.  GOD IS GOOD!!!

The grand finale of the evening had all the singers gather together to sing "I've Got A Mansion Just Over The Hilltop."  It was a great conclusion to a fantastic evening of singing and demonstration of Christian love.
"I've Got A Mansion"

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