Saturday, November 07, 2015

WKGMA 2015 Fall Convention

The Echoes, as always, had a great time as we sang at the 2015 Fall edition of the WKGMA Convention.  Once again hosted by Trinity Baptist Church, in Paducah, KY, the crowd was very receptive to the various messages in song from WKGMA members.

For the Echoes, our 3-song set started out with "He Saw It All," which talks about the miracles that happen because of Jesus' touch.

That song was followed by "Just One More Soul," which explains why the Echoes (and the other WKGMA members) sing.  You can see a video as the Echoes sing that song at

We ended our set with a challenge to each Christian there to "Preach The Word" in our daily lives.

That's what we like about Southern Gospel songs; each of them supports and provides another look at the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Immanuel Baptist Temple

The Echoes had a somewhat rare Sunday morning service, as Twila was given the day off at her church so we could sing at David's church, Immanuel Baptist Temple (IBT) in their worship service.

We started out singing an up-tempo "Getting Ready To Leave This World" for the offertory selection.  That got hands to clapping and feet tapping.  Then, for the worship portion of the service, we sang primarily about Jesus -- that's just what we do! -- starting with "There Was Jesus."

It was then to give the message that the tomb where Jesus was laid after his crucifixion is now empty, with "Borrowed Tomb."

We then offered encouragement to those who are facing the troubles and trials of our culture today, reminding  people that although it is a "Broken World," it's not for long -- because Jesus is soon returning.

Finally, we charged Pastor Ken Gazaway to "Preacher, Tell It Like It Is," as he prepared to deliver the message of the morning.  And he did just that.

So, we trust that the people there in the service left a little more encouraged to face the coming times.  We know that we did.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Azotus Homecoming

The Echoes at Azotus Missionary Baptist
The Echoes returned for their annual singing at the Azotus Missionary Baptist Church Homecoming.  The Echoes have been singing at this once-a-year event every year since 1972, so one could say it's pretty much a tradition -- and one that we cherish.

The church was established in 1848, so it has had a long-time impact in the Azotus community of very rural Pope County, Illinois.  

The annual homecoming on the last Sunday of August each year is the only service held at the old church building.  The remainder of the year, it sets beside the gravel road as a continuing testimony to God. 

The yearly service at Azotus gives the long-time members and relatives a time to gather each year to talk about old memories and renew old acquaintances -- as well as to walk the grounds of the adjoining cemetery to pay respects to those gone on.  

Pastor Mark Staton leads the congregation in singing old hymns, as Twila provides the music on the old up-right piano in the church.  The pews rough-hewed and certainly not padded, and the floor hasn't been level for years.  But God is still worshipped.
The day began with a church service in the old church building at 11:00am, with Calvary Baptist Church Pastor Mark Staton (Twila's husband) preaching from Genesis to Revelation.  Then, the people moved to the church grounds under the huge maple tree to enjoy a delicious potluck dinner-on-the-grounds.  As the eating subsided, the Echoes set up their sound equipment, these days powered by an inverter running off one of our vehicles, and sang a selection of songs to those resting up from the bountiful meal.

The day always brings back memories of earlier times; we're booked to return next year to do it all again, unless Jesus comes between now and the last Sunday in August 2016.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Glory Bound Gideons Benefit

The Echoes from Calvary
We had a great time of Gospel singing, as we traveled to Stella, Kentucky (Murray area) for a singing to benefit the ministry of the Gideons.

Also appearing during the evening were soloist Jesse Farmer, of Murray, and the popular Liberty Boys, of the Benton, Ky area.
Jesse Farmer

It's always a great time at a Glory Bound event, and this evening was no different.  Each performer was in top form.
Liberty Boys

And God blessed the event through the raising of over $800 to support the on-going work of the Gideons as they distribute Bibles all over the world.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Gospel Mission Tabernacle

The Echoes took part in the Sunday morning worship service at the Gospel Mission Tabernacle in Golconda.  We usually don't schedule singings on Sunday mornings, as Twila is a key "player" in the worship services at Calvary Baptist, where her husband, Mark, is pastor.

But the Gospel Mission has a special place in our hearts, not only because GMT is the church where Sharon and her husband, Dorris, attend, but also because one of our founding members, Billy Green, was a long-time pastor at GMT before his retirement from the ministry.  And it was great seeing Billy at the church today.

The Echoes have sung at GMT a good number of times through the years, especially in those years that the congregation was building the new building on Route 146 West in Golconda.  We participated in numerous benefit singings, not only for the church itself, but also for other causes which used the church facilities to host other benefit events.

But today, it was just a great time of singing, worship and praising, with Pastor Tim Green and his GMT congregation, followed by a bountiful potluck meal in the fellowship hall afterward.  You can't get much better than that!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

WKGMA Mini-Convention

The Echoes participated in a WKGMA "Mini-Convention" at Park Avenue Baptist Church, in Paducah, KY.

Several WKGMA groups and soloists sang throughout the evening, but only after enjoying a pot-luck meal in the church fellowship hall.

The WKGMA holds such "mini-conventions" periodically during the year, each of which is a smaller version of the main Spring and Fall Conventions.  Watch and/or listen for notice of future events in your area.  Or if your church be interested in hosting a mini-convention, just contact the Echoes or any other member of the WKGMA (contact information is available on the WKGMA website,

Saturday, May 09, 2015

2015 WKGMA Spring Convention

The Echoes from Calvary are one of the oldest members of the WKGMA, ((  having participated in that organization since the early 1990's.  The WKGMA members gather together twice a year for a 3-day Spring and a 3-day Fall Convention, and the Echoes were scheduled to sing at the Saturday session this year.

The Holy Spirit was very much in the house for all three nights of the convention, hosted once again by the folks at Trinity Baptist Church, in Paducah, KY.  And good crowds were present each night to enjoy all the participating soloists and groups.  Hearty applause and "amens" testified that the message of the Gospel in song was getting through.

The Echoes chose to start our part of the convention with "I've Got That Old-Time Religion," a song we've been singing for a good number of years.  We then sang a new song (for us) for the first time, "There Was Jesus."  And to put extra stress on our memory banks, we followed that with another new song, "Borrowed Tomb."  You can see a video of that song on YouTube at

The program concluded with all the WKGMA member singers gathering on-stage to sing "Amazing Grace," and then by request, "If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again" in honor of Mother's Day.

It's always a blessed time at the WKGMA convention.  Make plans to attend the Fall Convention, the first Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of November, which this year is on November 5-7, 2015.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Kim Hale Benefit Singing

Even with insurance, the costs of medical care for serious illness can be astronomical.  Folks at the First Apostolic Church in Rosiclare, IL hosted a benefit singing for Kim Hayden Hale, who is currently under treatment for cancer.
The Echoes were blessed to be able to participate in this event, along with "2nd Generation" and Danny Wayne Mahoney.
2nd Generation (Butch Gowins, Sandra Jerrells,
Donna, Cullum
Danny Mahoney
Danny started the evening off at his home church, with a couple of songs.  Then, it was time for 2nd Generation to sing a selection of songs, which uplifted those there.  2nd Generation is a trio composed of Lowell "Butch" Gowins, Donna Cullum and Sandra Jerrells.
Echoes - David, Sharon, Twila
Then, it was the Echoes' turn, and we picked up the tempo somewhat with a number of songs reminding those in attendance of the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ.
During the intermission, David (Echoes) on the piano, Donna (2nd Generation) on the keyboard, and Danny Mahoney on bass then played a special number while the offering was being taken -- a medley of "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," and "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms."  The latter part of that medley had everyone clapping their hands and tapping their toes.

Then, it was time for the 2nd round, during which Butch Gowins, who also is Pastor at First Apostolic, announced that the offering collected came to well over $2000, with a couple additional checks having been received in the mail that day for $5,000 each.  GOD IS GOOD!!!

The grand finale of the evening had all the singers gather together to sing "I've Got A Mansion Just Over The Hilltop."  It was a great conclusion to a fantastic evening of singing and demonstration of Christian love.
"I've Got A Mansion"