Saturday, May 03, 2014

WKGMA 2014 Spring Convention

The Echoes once again participated in the 2014 WKGMA Spring Convention at Trinity Baptist Church, in Paducah.  This one was a little different, as Sharon was somewhat incapacitated with a bad knee, and thus sang sitting in a wheelchair.  But that didn't keep the Spirit of the Lord from coming down.

Our message in song for the night was that we would do "Whatever It Takes" to live for Jesus, including singing under adversity.  Then Sharon used the song, "God Wants To Hear You Sing," to remind people that God wants our praises in any circumstances.  Twila then charged those present to keep working for the  Lord and not give up, with a new song for us, "Finish Well."

Even sitting in and gathered 'round a wheelchair, it was a great evening.

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