Friday, June 18, 2010

Glory Bound Christian Entertainment

The Echoes made another trip to Stella, Kentucky (near Murray) to sing about Jesus once again.

Joe Lawrence, the coordinator for Glory Bound, had the Echoes paired with The Grants. Mike, Donna, and their daughter, Agnie have that good harmony and sincere spirit to help bring to life the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We always enjoy singing with the Grants.

Normally, a Glory Bound event is held in the Goshen United Methodist Church Family Life Center. But this time around, the Center had been decorated for a wedding reception on Saturday, so we moved to the church itself for the singing.

It's amazing how God uses those who are willing to be used. As Joe explained, he has no musical talent, and his wife Rene won't let him try to sing. And the other member of the Glory Bound crew, Pat is in the same boat as Joe, with regard to musical talent. But God has placed those three in a position to operate this music ministry of Glory Bound, proving that God has a sense of humor. Their ministry also includes a weekly radio program, featuring that great Southern Gospel message.

So, when God wants you to serve Him in some capacity, He'll provide the necessary talent. All you have to provide is the willingness.

The Echoes appreciate Joe, Rene, and Pat, of Glory Bound for their willingness to serve.

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