Saturday, November 06, 2010

WKGMA Fall Convention

These WKGMA Conventions just seem to be getting better and better! The Echoes sang on the final night of the 3-day convention, and the Spirit of the Lord was present, just as He had been on the two previous nights.

There were a total of 13 soloists or groups singing on this particular night. Emcee Darvin Stom, the WKGMA President, kept the pace going, so that the night would not be too long. And Mike Glover ("For Heaven's Sake") and his crew did a fantastic job on the sound for the convention.

A couple of new WKGMA members sang -- "Yours Truly," a trio, and soloist Kendall Vickrey, who sang just before the Echoes. Kendall's sincere testimony and song delivery just primed both us and the crowd, with us starting off with "Jesus Made A Believer Out of Me." We then moved right into "Reason Enough," a song which explains some of the reasons we believe in Jesus Christ. And even though it had already been sung previously this evening, we ended our set with "Did I Mention," which was the debut of that song in our repertoire. Since the song talks about loving Jesus, we tagged the song with an a capella chorus of "Oh How I Love Jesus," with the congregation joining in. Talk about goose-bumps!

It was a very enjoyable evening, especially because of the presence of God in the house. And the folks at our host, Trinity Baptist Church, did their part to make everyone welcomed.

If you want a blessing, watch for and plan to attend the 2011 WKGMA Spring Convention.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Calvary Baptist Church Homecoming

The Echoes journeyed to Calvary Baptist Church, New Liberty, Illinois, for their annual Homecoming. Mark Staton, Twila's husband, is the pastor at Calvary Baptist. And as the pastor's wife, Twila can be considered a valuable part of that pastorate.

But on this day, Twila moved from the pastorate duty to her Echoes duty, helping provide the singing to present the Gospel in Song.

After eating way too much of that delicious homecoming food, we started singing to a very receptive congregation. Perhaps the up-tempo "I've Got That Old Time Religion" was not the best choice to start with, as it is a little hard to breathe right after eating. But we settled in and had a great time singing about the Grace and Love that Jesus has for each of us. For those who have accepted that Grace, we were reminded that we have Hope, Faith and Love. "I'm Rich" served to provide that reminder.

Homecomings are a great time to reminisce and renew old acquaintances. It's also a great way to remind people about that great homecoming that all Believers will experience one day. We're so blessed to be able to be used to remind people of that.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Aurora Fall Festival

The Fall season brings out many people to celebrate harvest by parades, decorations and other opportunities to get together. What has become somewhat of a tradition for the first Saturday in October, the Echoes once again traveled to Aurora, Kentucky, to sing as part of the outreach program at Aurora Baptist Church.

Perched on a stage which doubles in its spare time as a large flatbed trailer, we were the last group of the day. In past years, the weather has been hot, cool, and just right. This time around, it was one of those cool times -- some would say "cold," as the temperatures were in the low 60's and the north wind blowing fairly strong. David was a little cold, given that he didn't have the foresight to know that a short sleeved shirt with no jacket would not be appropriate attire.

But no matter, it was another opportunity to present the Gospel in song. The church operates a food tent and tables on the parking lot for the many people who are walking by their property during the day. Various members of the West Kentucky Gospel Music Associate provide the dining music from the trailer / stage.

The people come and go during the singing. The words of the songs go out. We don't know the impact of the messages in song on those people. We just know that what goes out in God's name will not come back void.

We enjoyed being laborers in the field in Aurora.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Azotus Annual Homecoming

Tradition continued, as the Echoes returned to sing again at the Azotus Baptist Church annual Homecoming service. We have sung at every Azotus singing since 1971 or 1972. Since the church does not even have electricity, a majority of the years saw us lugging a generator with us to provide the power for sound equipment. Then, with technology improving, we found that a DC-AC power converter did the job very well.

The singing has always been held the last Sunday in August. Most of the years found it hot and humid. This year, both the temperature and humidity moderated, and God provided a cool breeze to help make the afternoon under the big Maple tree enjoyable for all.

After preaching by Mark Staton (Twila's husband) in the church building, everyone moved outside for dinner on the ground, under that big Maple tree. That's also where we set up our equipment. After we finished eating a delicious pot luck meal, we then began bringing forth the Gospel in Song.

It was good to once again be a part of this Azotus tradition. And if the Lord doesn't return before then, it's very likely that we'll be found once again at Azotus on the last Sunday of August, 2011.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gospel Mission Tabernacle

The Echoes visited with the congregation at Gospel Mission Tabernacle, in Golconda, IL, to help them celebrate a homecoming-style service -- preaching, dinner on the grounds and singing. Pastor Tim Green made us feel right at home, which in reality we sorta were. Sharon and Dorris Thomas attend GMT, so they WERE home.

The Echoes have sung at GMT a number of times over the years, as the church was founded by Billy Green, an original member of the Echoes from Calvary. He left the Echoes in 1975 to devote his entire energies to pastoring GMT. Billy retired a few years ago, at which time Tim Green, his nephew, took over the pastoral duties.

After a delicious meal, it was tempting to close one's eyes and perhaps doze a little. That's why we mixed in some faster, up-tempo songs along with the slower songs. And it must have worked. We didn't see anyone sleep. In fact, we did see clapping hands and raised hands in praise to Jesus Christ. That made it a good day.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Anthony Underwood Benefit - Olmsted

The Echoes ventured "down south" to the Olmsted, Illinois area to participate in a benefit for Anthony Underwood. Anthony is a long-time member of the Glory Road Travelers Quartet, with whom the Echoes have sung many times over the years. Anthony is suffering from an unidentified neurological disorder which affects memory.

Hosted by the WKGMA (West Kentucky Gospel Music Association), the singing was held at Caledonia Community Church. 5 groups, comprised of WKGMA groups and soloists, provided a great selection of Gospel songs that everyone enjoyed during the evening. Appearing were "For Heaven's Sake," "New Harmony Singers," "Echoes from Calvary," "Up Lift," and Sue Steers.

Ending up the Echoes' set, we featured our music video of "He'd Do It All Again." The song, written by Rodney Griffin, is a powerful message that Jesus loves us so much that He would go through the pain and torture of Calvary all over again, if that were necessary for our salvation. The video, put together by David, intersperses video scenes from "Passion of the Christ" to help illustrate the words of the song to help the viewer/listener more fully understand to just what extent Christ did suffer for our sins.

It was a good evening for WKGMA friends to get together to help a fellow singer and friend -- and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ once again.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Antioch Association Revival, Golconda

The Echoes were honored to be asked to sing for the opening night of a 1-week Revival for the Antioch Baptist Association churches in Illinois. The Golconda 1st Baptist Church was the host for the revival services. Tim Sadler, Director of Evangelism for the Illinois Baptist State Association, was the evangelist for the revival. Tim is the son of Paul Sadler, who pastored at Golconda 1st Baptist for a 10-year period during Tim's growing-up years.

The Echoes began by singing "I've Got That Old Time Religion In My Heart," followed by "Written In Heaven." David then sang about God's goodness to His children, "Thank God For Grace." "Preach The Word" then encouraged people to be more powerful witnesses for Christ. They then ended with an encouraging word for anyone who is going through troubles or trials, with a song that reminds us that God has everything "Under Control."

Tim then began his message by reminiscing about the yards he had mowed while growing up in Golconda, and the lasting friendships he had fostered. He also shared a story about Lon Baker, who was one of the founding members of the Echoes from Calvary. One day, while doing some custodial work in the church, Lon was talking with Pastor Paul, while Tim was listening. Lon proceeded to tell Paul that he had to finish up his work because he had to go to the "dam picnic" that afternoon. Tim couldn't believe what he was hearing coming from Lon's "potty mouth." Of course, Tim didn't realize that Lon worked at the Lock & Dam 51 in Golconda, and they were having their annual employee picnic that afternoon.

But after the thinking back to times past, Tim began preaching a powerful sermon about the need for workers in the field today. He preached about the need for concern for winning people to Christ now, before it's too late. He encourage people to go out to do what one of the songs the Echoes sang during the service, "Preach The Word."

It was a great start to a week of revival. And that's what the Echoes strive to do each time we sing, to perhaps help revive people and to encourage people through the Gospel in song to be on fire for God.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Saline County Fair - WEBQ Radio Tent

The Echoes joined a number of other groups and soloist in The Big WEBQ Tent at the Saline County Fair, in Harrisburg, IL. The tent, located on the main entrance walk, was in an excellent location to expose a lot of people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in song. And since this was "one price for all" on the rides, there were a LOT of people walking by. Some of them stopped by to listen, too.

First on the stage were the Nehrkorns, who kicked things off in a grand way. Following them were the Glorylanders. Rindy Nehrkorn (daughter of Dee and Dianne Ozment) was filling in for her mom, Dianne, who was with their son and daughter-in-law awaiting the birth of Dee and Dianne's first grandchild. And while the Glorylanders were singing, the message came that little Marli had indeed entered this world. Contratulations, Dee and Dianne. Don't spoil Marli too much. (And forgive us if we've misspelled any names).

Linda Guest was then up to sing several solo numbers, followed by emcee Alma Young for additional solo renditions.

Next up were the Echoes. During this set, we debuted two songs on our repertoire -- "Under Control" and "Jesus Made A Believer Out Of Me." Both were well-received by the crowd.

Finishing up the first round were the Voices of Praise, who continued with additional messages in song.

Then it started all over again, with each group or soloist singing a few more songs. This time around, Robin Sowells arrived after getting off work and sang several inspirational-style selections.

By the time it was over, the lights had been turned on, the breeze had died down, the bugs were drawn to the lights, and the Gospel had been powerfully proclaimed -- a great way to spend an evening at the Fair.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pope County All-School Reunion

The Echoes returned to the Pope County Courthouse Lawn in Golconda, Illinois, to participate in the 2010 Pope County All-School Reunion. We say "returned," because the Echoes first sang in this location in the early 70's for their Annual Appreciation Singings that they held for several years.

This time around, it was to sing for the kick-off Gospel Singing that the All-School Reunion committee planned. Also appearing at the event were "Joe and Friends," of Harrisburg, IL, and "Cross Harmony," of Metropolis, IL.

The Echoes kicked off the evening with a number of songs to uplift Christ. David even allowed the crowd to get involved, as he invited them to wave for the camera. The photo subsequently appeared on the Echoes' Facebook page (

God blessed the evening with beautiful weather -- might even go so far as to call it near-perfect. That helped remove any distractions and focus on the message in each of the songs. And as we gather to reminisce about times past, it's a good time to think about God's goodness.
Following the Echoes were "Joe and Friends." We've sung with them before, and always enjoy their old-time country-flavored songs. They sing some of the songs we heard as we grew up, as well as original compositions by Joe Irwin (the "Joe" of the group). Their ministry primarily is nursing-home based.
The final group for the evening was "Cross Harmony" of Metropolis. This trio sings in a similar style (and songs) as the Echoes. They did a fantastic job of sharing the Gospel, too. And we really appreciate being able to use their sound system (and their sound engineer, Brandon). The Echoes had not had the opportunity to sing with Cross Harmony before, but we hope we get to once again before long.
We're all ministers, as David reminded everyone as he introduced our last song of the evening, "Preach The Word." We were honored to have the opportunity to minister once again at the Pope County All-School Reunion.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

McCracken County Fair

Did anyone say it's been hot the last few days? Well, it sure was as the Echoes traveled to Paducah, Kentucky, to participate in the Gospel Singing night at the McCracken County Fair.

Also appearing at the event were the Liberty Boys and For Heaven's Sake. Darvin Stom, President of the West Kentucky Gospel Music Association, served as emcee for the evening.

The Liberty Boys kicked it off with a number of songs that took the audience back to the Southern Gospel Quartet style popular in the 50's. These gentlemen have been singing just about as long as the Echoes -- well over 30 years. And they were "hot" in more ways than one this time around. We always enjoy singing with the Liberty Boys.

The Echoes were next on the program. After taking the stage, we quickly located the best position to take advantage of the fans strategically placed on the stage. David must have been overcome from the heat from the beginning, because he ended up to Sharon's left (which is opposite the way we normally stand). But off we went, with the up-tempo "He Forgot More Than I'll Ever Know" to start it off. We sang a mixture of some of our older songs, along with a couple of newer ones. Actually, with the fans , it was cooler on-stage than in the grandstand, even with the sun on our backs for a good portion of the time.

After ending our set with "I Rest My Case," For Heaven's Sake took the stage to conclude the evening with their brand of contemporary/country gospel. They, too, mixed the new and the old. And we all appreciated them, because Mike Glover of For Heaven's Sake had set up all the sound equipment (and fans) in the hottest part of the afternoon, so all the rest of us had to do was walk on the stage and sing. We really appreciate you, Mike!

At the conclusion of the evening, Darvin announced that there are plans for the Gospel night to be repeated next year at the McCracken County Fair. So, keep an eye out for it next June. And if you go, you might want to bring a fan.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Glory Bound Christian Entertainment

The Echoes made another trip to Stella, Kentucky (near Murray) to sing about Jesus once again.

Joe Lawrence, the coordinator for Glory Bound, had the Echoes paired with The Grants. Mike, Donna, and their daughter, Agnie have that good harmony and sincere spirit to help bring to life the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We always enjoy singing with the Grants.

Normally, a Glory Bound event is held in the Goshen United Methodist Church Family Life Center. But this time around, the Center had been decorated for a wedding reception on Saturday, so we moved to the church itself for the singing.

It's amazing how God uses those who are willing to be used. As Joe explained, he has no musical talent, and his wife Rene won't let him try to sing. And the other member of the Glory Bound crew, Pat is in the same boat as Joe, with regard to musical talent. But God has placed those three in a position to operate this music ministry of Glory Bound, proving that God has a sense of humor. Their ministry also includes a weekly radio program, featuring that great Southern Gospel message.

So, when God wants you to serve Him in some capacity, He'll provide the necessary talent. All you have to provide is the willingness.

The Echoes appreciate Joe, Rene, and Pat, of Glory Bound for their willingness to serve.

Friday, May 07, 2010

WKGMA Spring Convention

The Echoes really enjoyed the singing and fellowship at the 2010 WKGMA Spring Convention. This event was held at Trinity Baptist Church, in Paducah, Kentucky. Pastor Brown and his congregation made the Association feel very welcome -- especially with the finger-food fellowship after the Friday night singing.

The evening was filled with inspired songs from seven groups or soloists, who each prompted enthusiastic responses. Raised hands, amens and spiritual applause greeted the message in the songs.

The Echoes sang a brand new song, never before having performed in front of an audience -- "Written in Heaven." We had originally planned for our second song, "He'd Do It All Again," to be sung with a video accompaniment that David had created from "The Passion of the Christ." However, there was no suitable place to project the video at Trinity, so we did it the old fashioned way. In any event, the message of that song was clearly understood by those hearing it -- that Christ loves us so much that He would go through the suffering of the Cross once again, if necessary, for our salvation. But Praise God, it was enough the first time!

Be looking in the Echoes schedule by using the link at the right for the next WKGMA Convention in November. Also you can learn more about the WKGMA at

Friday, April 09, 2010

2010 Illinois State Quartet Convention - Marion, IL

The Echoes had the opportunity to kick off the Friday night session of the annual Illinois State Quartet Convention. This is the 41st year for the event, where groups from all over Southern and Central Illinois converge for a multi-night celebration of Gospel Music.

As has been over the past several years, the venue was the beautiful Marion Civic and Cultural Center, in Marion, Illinois. If you haven't been to that facility, you should check their schedule and go enjoy a program there.

Groups also appearing on Friday evening included the Muehlenbeins, the Baker Family, the Gospel Messengers, the Messengers N' Harmony, Living Proof, Voices In Praise, our hosts The Glorylanders, and the featured professional group, Naomi and the Segos.

If you didn't receive a message from God during the evening, then you weren't listening. God speaks in many ways, including through song. So, listen up!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Trader's Mall - Paducah, KY

Moving on down the road from our previous singing on the same day (Legacy Care Center), the Echoes arrived at Trader's Mall, just off I-24 at the US 68 Exit. There we joined a number of other soloist and group members of the West Kentucky Gospel Music Association for a late afternoon and evening singing convention.

Drawing numbers to determine the order that everyone would appear, emcee Mike Glover then introduced each group or soloist as they came to the stage to sing a couple of songs. After about 12 different "acts," everyone broke for a time of fellowship and a delicious rib-eye steak dinner at the on-premises restaurant.

Then, after dinner, everyone then drew new numbers and the singing started all over again. It was a grand afternoon / evening of great Gospel singing. The Echoes had the evening rockin', as we ended up our evening set with "I'm Rich."

We surely are!!

Legacy Solana Alzheimer's Care Center - Paducah, KY

The Echoes visited with and sang for the residents of Legacy Alzheimer's Care Center in Paducah, Kentucky. This was the first visit to Legacy by the Echoes, and we had a great time. The residents were very attentive and sang along with us on some of the "old standard hymns" that we interspersed with our normal Southern Gospel current repertoire. Since there was no piano in the area where we sang, those old standards were sung acapella, or as David said, "Italian for ain't got no piano."

Archie Watkins, formerly of the Inspirations, recently recorded a song "He'll Remember Me." Although most people with Alzheimer's Disease can't recall most aspects of life, it is truly amazing that one of the things that they seem to always remember are the words to the hymns they grew up with. And that was exhibited as we sang at Legacy. But at the point in time where a person invites Jesus into his or her heart, it's guaranteed that no disease -- or even the forgetfulness of Alzheimer's -- will ever take away the deep-down ingrained love and assurance that Jesus provides. We saw proof of that in the faces of the residents of Legacy.

We were blessed to have experienced that.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dixon Springs Baptist Church

The Echoes returned to Dixon Springs Baptist Church after a 2-year absence. This time around, we were the featured guests at the monthly Praise and Worship service.

It was nice to have one of the Echoes' charter members, Billy Green, with us. David played for Billy to sing "What A Friend We Have In Jesus." Billy invited his sister, Barbara Winders, and Donna Owens to sing harmony with him. Afterward, Billy and David wondered how many notes David had played for him from the period 1971 through 1974 -- quite a few, we would imagine.

Others also offered musical selections during the Echoes' break. And we all enjoyed good food and fellowship in the church fellowship area after the singing. (It IS a Baptist church, so that's almost a prerequisite!).

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bonnie Green Memorial Benefit

The Echoes were one of five groups who gathered at the Golden Circle Center in Golconda, Illinois, to remember Bonnie Green. Bonnie died on December 26, 2009, from cancer.

Bonnie was the wife of Billy Green, who was one of the founding members of the Echoes from Calvary back in 1970. Billy and Bonnie also labored in God's vinyard for many years, as they ministered first at the Gospel Mission, in Golconda, and then established the Gospel Mission Tabernacle outside Golconda. After Billy's retirement, they both continued to have a significant presence in the Golconda community.

Our own David McGan was honored to be asked to emcee the evening. And those singing were also happy to lend their God-given talents to help provide the community an opportunity to contribute to a lasting memorial for Bonnie.

Singing for the event were Joe Irwin and Friends, Thelma Cruson, The Echoes from Calvary, Lowell "Butch" Gowins, and The Baker Family. They all sang to an enthusiastic full house, where people enjoyed the singing and the open refreshment center. There's nothing better than listening to great Gospel music and eating delicious home-made cookies, brownies and other snacks.

A very generous offering was collected midway during the evening. As David put it, the first 4 "acts" were singing in preparation to give; and the Baker Family wound up the evening in "Celebration" of the generous offering.

Billy Green spoke at the conclusion, thanking those in attendance. He commented that the songs truly ministered to him, that the message in each song served to bring him comfort. So, that was another "benefit" of the benefit singing.

That's just like God. He uses songwriters to minister to us. If you have a trial in your life, put on some Gospel music and listen to the words. God will speak to you and give you comfort and direction through those songs. We guarantee it; it's happened time and time again for us, too.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Saline County Singing Convention

Keeping a tradition established over the past few years, the Echoes from Calvary were the featured guest singers at the first Saline County Singing Convention of the new year. Since assuming his role as President of the organization, Harold Hicks has booked the Echoes to appear at the January singing, and has held it at the same location, the Rudement Social Brethren Church on Rt 34 south of Harrisburg, Illinois. As usual for January, it was cold outside, but the Spirit was warm in the building.

While many similar events have seen declining attendance over the years (or have even ceased to exist), the house was almost full at Rudement. If you like to sing, attending a convention is a good opportunity, as anyone who wishes to offer a couple of numbers is invited to do so.

After a couple of congregational songs, the Echoes took to the mics for several songs offered to a receptive crowd. Then it was time for others to sing or play musical instruments. It was good to see Alma Young once again and hear her sing. Alma served as President of the Saline County convention for a few years prior to Harold Hicks assuming that role. Harold's father, Earl Hicks, was the long-time President of the Convention and also a very close friend of the Echoes. We all miss Brother Earl, but Harold is doing a good job carrying on the tradition.

It was a good afternoon, enjoying the great gospel of Jesus Christ in song, with old friends. You're invited to attend a convention, too. They're held at various venues on the 1st Sunday of each month, at 2:00pm. Check out the location by watching for announcements in the Daily Register newspaper (Harrisburg).