Saturday, May 09, 2015

2015 WKGMA Spring Convention

The Echoes from Calvary are one of the oldest members of the WKGMA, ((  having participated in that organization since the early 1990's.  The WKGMA members gather together twice a year for a 3-day Spring and a 3-day Fall Convention, and the Echoes were scheduled to sing at the Saturday session this year.

The Holy Spirit was very much in the house for all three nights of the convention, hosted once again by the folks at Trinity Baptist Church, in Paducah, KY.  And good crowds were present each night to enjoy all the participating soloists and groups.  Hearty applause and "amens" testified that the message of the Gospel in song was getting through.

The Echoes chose to start our part of the convention with "I've Got That Old-Time Religion," a song we've been singing for a good number of years.  We then sang a new song (for us) for the first time, "There Was Jesus."  And to put extra stress on our memory banks, we followed that with another new song, "Borrowed Tomb."  You can see a video of that song on YouTube at

The program concluded with all the WKGMA member singers gathering on-stage to sing "Amazing Grace," and then by request, "If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again" in honor of Mother's Day.

It's always a blessed time at the WKGMA convention.  Make plans to attend the Fall Convention, the first Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of November, which this year is on November 5-7, 2015.