Sunday, October 03, 2010

Calvary Baptist Church Homecoming

The Echoes journeyed to Calvary Baptist Church, New Liberty, Illinois, for their annual Homecoming. Mark Staton, Twila's husband, is the pastor at Calvary Baptist. And as the pastor's wife, Twila can be considered a valuable part of that pastorate.

But on this day, Twila moved from the pastorate duty to her Echoes duty, helping provide the singing to present the Gospel in Song.

After eating way too much of that delicious homecoming food, we started singing to a very receptive congregation. Perhaps the up-tempo "I've Got That Old Time Religion" was not the best choice to start with, as it is a little hard to breathe right after eating. But we settled in and had a great time singing about the Grace and Love that Jesus has for each of us. For those who have accepted that Grace, we were reminded that we have Hope, Faith and Love. "I'm Rich" served to provide that reminder.

Homecomings are a great time to reminisce and renew old acquaintances. It's also a great way to remind people about that great homecoming that all Believers will experience one day. We're so blessed to be able to be used to remind people of that.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Aurora Fall Festival

The Fall season brings out many people to celebrate harvest by parades, decorations and other opportunities to get together. What has become somewhat of a tradition for the first Saturday in October, the Echoes once again traveled to Aurora, Kentucky, to sing as part of the outreach program at Aurora Baptist Church.

Perched on a stage which doubles in its spare time as a large flatbed trailer, we were the last group of the day. In past years, the weather has been hot, cool, and just right. This time around, it was one of those cool times -- some would say "cold," as the temperatures were in the low 60's and the north wind blowing fairly strong. David was a little cold, given that he didn't have the foresight to know that a short sleeved shirt with no jacket would not be appropriate attire.

But no matter, it was another opportunity to present the Gospel in song. The church operates a food tent and tables on the parking lot for the many people who are walking by their property during the day. Various members of the West Kentucky Gospel Music Associate provide the dining music from the trailer / stage.

The people come and go during the singing. The words of the songs go out. We don't know the impact of the messages in song on those people. We just know that what goes out in God's name will not come back void.

We enjoyed being laborers in the field in Aurora.