Tradition continued, as the Echoes returned to sing again at the Azotus Baptist Church annual Homecoming service. We have sung at every Azotus singing since 1971 or 1972. Since the church does not even have electricity, a majority of the years saw us lugging a generator with us to provide the power for sound equipment. Then, with technology improving, we found that a DC-AC power converter did the job very well.
The singing has always been held the last Sunday in August. Most of the years found it hot and humid. This year, both the temperature and humidity moderated, and God provided a cool breeze to help make the afternoon under the big Maple tree enjoyable for all.
After preaching by Mark Staton (Twila's husband) in the church building, everyone moved outside for dinner on the ground, under that big Maple tree. That's also where we set up our equipment. After we finished eating a delicious pot luck meal, we then began bringing forth the Gospel in Song.
It was good to once again be a part of this Azotus tradition. And if the Lord doesn't return before then, it's very likely that we'll be found once again at Azotus on the last Sunday of August, 2011.