The Echoes enjoyed participating in the Fall Convention of the West Kentucky Gospel Music Association. The 3-day event was hosted by Briensburg Baptist Church, near Draffenville, Kentucky, and featured over 20 WKGMA groups and soloists, with the Echoes appearing on Friday night.
Other singers appearing that night were Higher Praise Quartet, Gracesong, Larry Norton, Darvin Stom, The Farmers, Phyllis Mitchuson, The Grants, and The Erwins.
As can happen when different groups sing, our 3-song line-up required a last-minute substitution, as Gracesong sang one of our scheduled songs, "He Forgot More Than I'll
Ever Know." But that's OK. A quick visit to the sound booth resulted in our substitution of "Whatever It Takes." No need to duplicate the message in song by repeating a song, although since the Lyrics are the message, it wouldn't have mattered should we have repeated that message. But might as well get as much "message" as we can into the evening.
From the reaction of the crowd, a good time was had by all, as God was present and saw fit to bless the messages which came forth that evening.